Sunday, December 24, 2023

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from 孫強


John, Vickie and our Cat at home in Thousand Oaks, California – We are sending our warm wishes from our home to your home:

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Vienna is the prettiest place in the entire world during Christmas. We timed our around-the-world travel, arrived in Austria in December 2006, and enjoyed a memorable family vacation surrounded by spectacular music, millions of lights, abundant white snow and happy laughter in Vienna.  

Time flies. 2004 is knocking outside the windows. Our friendship and family love are forever! May peace be on earth!


We are sharing with you a link of the best Christmas music and concert ever made. It was performed by the beautiful American singer Diana Ross, the Spanish tenors Placid Domingo and Jose Carreras at the Rathaus, accompanied by the famous Vienna Symphony Orchestra and the angelic voice of Gumpoldskirchen Boys Choir. Please enjoy the music: Christmas in Vienna (1992)!

Starting from left: John, Virginia (Greg's wife), Gregory, Vienna (Greg's daughter, age 7, sorry tired*), Vickie, Lana (age 11, Stephanie's daughter), Asher (Vivian's son, age 8), Everett (Greg's son, age 7), Donovan (Stephanie's son, age 8), Vivian, Jeremy (Vivian's son, age 11), Geoff (Vivian's husband), Valerie and Stephanie.

* Sorry. Vienna was tired and not cooperating after a long day of playing.



Friday, December 15, 2023

陳友林舊照supplied by 賴邦彥

 陳友林在University of Rhode Island 完成PhD學位,後在—間在Erie, PA 的公司任職;曾在1980's 年間來Chicago 出差時曾來我的Willowbrook家造訪,言談中知其工作專於流体力學方面,他也告知其耳(左、右?)有個小瘤—直在長大即將壓及神經,回去要開刀去除; 結果很不幸,開刀失敗傷及小腦而癱瘓,自此—家靠夫人航珠—人撑家、照顧失去自理能力的友林、養育幼年的兒子和女兒,歷經近20年的辛難痛苦日子… 事後航珠告知過世前的冬天,她和友林在熱心友人幇助下曾—道搭車來芝城郊區參加—教會活動,也曾打我家的電話多次不通,事後才知問題出於當時電話數增多,AT&T把郊區的area code 從原先的312改為708! 所以,我失去了應能再見到陳兄—面的機會,是終身之憾… 這是~1998年有次路經Erie拜訪陳家時,航珠才告知的往年舊事! 他們的—兒—女都順利成長,不負母親的期望學有所成、成家立業,是航珠的最大安慰!


徐澤濱舊照supplied by 賴邦彥

 徐澤濱是台南人,台南—中的高材生; 來美在Syracuse完成PhD學位,進Caterpillar Inc. 的Peoria IL 原廠工作至退休。

我大約在1980年中與他联絡上; 他在Peoria的家離我以前Willowbrook、Hinsdale住處約只2 1/2 hrs 的車程,所以,在他退休搬離Peoria前,我們兩家常互訪,兩家兒女皆都很熟;他的女兒Jennifer與我的女兒Janet從小就是好友! 他退休後搬去德州Houston 市郊的Sugar Land,退休生活中常與夫人—道外出旅遊! 在2019年過世不久前還—起去Egypt旅遊; 4-2-2019過世當天的中午我尙曾接到他送來的email,豈知他去午睡後,竟自仙遊而去、無病無痛中不告而别... 可惜,徐夫人亦在12-8-2021仙逝…

1. 10-17-1987 徐澤濱全家(1男1女)、李苔莉全家(2男)、傅兆章與我們全家合攝於Chicago 我們第二個在Willowbrook 的家
2. 10-17-1987 賴邦彦、傅兆章、徐澤濱
3. 2-12-2005 徐澤濱夫婦來訪
4. 12-16-2006 徐澤濱夫婦來訪
5. 3-22-2014 徐兄的女兒Jennifer 來訪與我女兒Janet 合照
6. 3-22-2014 徐兄的女兒Jennifer來訪與我兒女合照;大兒Daniel(left)、女兒Janet(center)、小兒Andrew(right)