Monday, May 11, 2020

Old photos



Monday, February 10, 2020


photo taken between Max and John at the enchanting Harry Porter Hobbit Hobitton movie set in New Zealand during our ocean cruise to Australia. 

Thursday, February 6, 2020

video on YouTube created by 張文昌

Dear Classmates,
I finished the Video last night, and uploaded it to YouTube.  It is altogether 1min-20 sec long.  Each slide was set at 5 second intervals.  If you need longer time to view a slide, Please use the “Pulse” and “Continue” buttons at the lower part of the screen to control the progress.   Just roll the cursor along the lower edge and they will appear.  Best to show the video Full Screen on your TV.  Good luck.
 I was inspired by Michael’s new website and Viung Mei’s visit.  Thanks.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020


Thanks to Ban and Michael for creating and updating our class website and contact directory. It was a surprise when I received a call from Michael recently. We had a great conversation, including a lengthy explanation of my inexcusable excuses for not responding to their early messages. I rather apologize for my negligence here than repeat those excuses to all of you again.

My wife and I went back to Taiwan last Nov/Dec for an around-island tour and family/classmate/friend reunions. We did take a very short High-Speed-Rail 高鐵 trip to Tainan (it takes less two hour from Taipei) but didn't have time to visit our University (my last visit there was in 2000) or to contact our classmates. Even a brief glance, Tainan has changed and expanded so much! Before my departure from Taipei, I called 周濂溪,but his wife answered and gave me the sad news. He passed away after a mountain hiking accident in 2014. The last time I met him was in Taipei 陽明山中山樓 attending a 成功大学嘉年華會 some ten years ago.




Tuesday, January 21, 2020


梅文中感言:我今天下午和張文昌兄見面並一起在 Starbucks 喝茶。 我和文昌兄相見甚歡。五十六年沒見面了。文昌兄精神很好。只是二人都老了。 日子真快。想當年文昌兄主辦畢業旅行時辦事老練,是一位領袖人物。今天看他談吐舉止文雅完全和當年一樣。 希望以後同學能常常見面,日子越來越少了。 

Monday, January 6, 2020

文増鴻水彩畫及stained glass 作品

張文昌 來函

張文昌 (Maxwell Cheung, 1964 機械系乙班)
自從成大畢業各奔前程來到美國後,很少與同學通訊。只是間中從賴邦彥同學裡得知數位同學的消息。可惜不如意的事情居多。我們能活到這把年紀,說長不長,說短也不短。能珍惜我們多年在成大同窗的年代,是最大的恩賜與緣份。很感謝增鴻兄能在此時此刻, 組織一個網站,是最有意義的事情。容我在這裡補充一下我個人的資枓, 請多聯絡並指教。
64年畢業禮沒有參加就匆匆趕來到美國.一直住在加州。69年取得航空學博士後留在加省理工學院做研究。同年尾太空人登陸月球後,70年起 全國經濟大衰退. 發了200多份求職信, 一無所獲, 一愁莫展。有人更雪上加霜, 批我 ”Over Educated”。咎由自取, 乎復何言? 只能默默地等候機會。
70年參加了一家海洋鑽油公司做工程師.我是數百名員工中唯一的博士.大部份高科技, 電腦分析等工作都由我解決,兩年來替公司省下為數不少的顧問費.可是我足不出戶, 沒有進修機會. 薪水又低, 不免使我有被種磨菇的感覺(Kept in the dark and fed with shit). 這是第一次領教到被白人畸視。在沒有經濟基礎的情況下,本著人還年青,此處不留人, 自有留人處的冒險精神, 堅決辭職, 成立顧問公司。經過短暫的失業, 公司由孤家寡人開始, 2002年退休己顧用近30各員工。與美國各大石油公司海洋運輸部門的服務良好, 略有名氣。真是塞翁失馬, 焉知非福?
72年初與從台灣來的方光梅(Rose)女士結為連理。育有一女(Roselyn)一子(Ryan).可惜兒子在2002那年在香港過世,時年23歲。小女嫁了美國人並生有二子.正在Iowa讀高中及初中. 特別肆好各種運動。
由於心律不整,2002年退休後過著優閒的生活.常與朋友們到世界各地旅遊.閒時玩玩四方城. 得樂趣。現住南加州. 多多聯絡.

Max Cheung
8 Sycamore Creek
Irvine, CA 92603
