Tuesday, January 28, 2020


Thanks to Ban and Michael for creating and updating our class website and contact directory. It was a surprise when I received a call from Michael recently. We had a great conversation, including a lengthy explanation of my inexcusable excuses for not responding to their early messages. I rather apologize for my negligence here than repeat those excuses to all of you again.

My wife and I went back to Taiwan last Nov/Dec for an around-island tour and family/classmate/friend reunions. We did take a very short High-Speed-Rail 高鐵 trip to Tainan (it takes less two hour from Taipei) but didn't have time to visit our University (my last visit there was in 2000) or to contact our classmates. Even a brief glance, Tainan has changed and expanded so much! Before my departure from Taipei, I called 周濂溪,but his wife answered and gave me the sad news. He passed away after a mountain hiking accident in 2014. The last time I met him was in Taipei 陽明山中山樓 attending a 成功大学嘉年華會 some ten years ago.